Creating an Inviting Dining Room Space for Thanksgiving

Creating an Inviting Dining Room Space for Thanksgiving Are you hosting Thanksgiving in your home this year? Here are four tips to creating the ultimate setting for a warm and inviting Thanksgiving day meal.

Decorate the table.

Your dining room table should of course feature ample room seating all of your guests and for placing all of your Thanksgiving serving dishes, but a Thanksgiving themed centerpiece is what will truly complete your table. How you decorate your dining room table will depend on how big your dining room table is, what shape it is, and how much space you can afford. Some opt for an elegant table runner with fall florals and candles scattered throughout, while others create a more focused centerpiece with, say, a basket or large space. Put together something festive that coordinates well with your interior decor.

Focus on your table settings.

If ever there is a time to pay special attention to detail when setting the table, it’s at Thanksgiving. Be sure to pay extra close attention to detail as you set the table, following standard rules of etiquette for dish, glass, napkin, and silverware placement. Personalized place cards make for an excellent added touch.

Get the lighting right.

Lighting can truly make or break a space when you’re trying to create the right ambiance. For your lighting, you’ll want it to be somewhat dim in order to provide a nice welcoming feel for dinner, but still plenty bright enough to allow guests to converse comfortably with one another. Since Thanksgiving dinners tend to start earlier in the day, you’ll want window treatments that effectively shut out light but can still be adjusted for providing a nice view outdoors if desired. As for your interior lighting, incandescent lighting, which has a slight orange hue, is great for adding warmth to the space. A room is typically best lit when there is a combination of overhead lighting for ambiance and accent lighting to supplement. Just be sure that your overhead lighting isn’t too bright, which would take away from the cozy ambiance you’re seeking to create.

Make comfort a priority.

While focusing on your Thanksgiving decor, don’t forget to ensure that your dining space remains comfortable. Refrain from placing decor on the backs of chairs and adorning your table with things that could easily get knocked over, such as candle votives between serving dishes. Be sure that your table is surrounded by enough space to allow guests to sit down and get up as needed as well. You might even choose to decorate your dining room with seasonal seat cushions that add both comfort and festivity to your dining room space.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to our window treatment specialists.

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